When I have the urge to create from scratch, I love to explore digital collage art & vector illustration. The former blossomed as an emotional release during pandemic lockdown, and birthed a custom series featured in Outer Voice’s The Beat.

The States of Doing

As part of Outer Voice’s monthly artist feature The Beat: A Cultural Mixtape, I created a series of collages called The States of Doing. These four states - Rest, Joy, Play & Love - often get dismissed as “wastes” of time & unproductive. In fact, our bodies & minds need to account for time to do all of these things daily.

Mentally, I’m Here 1 and 2

A two-part stream of consciousness series, these pieces were created for the communal agency space at 5353 Grosvenor in Playa Vista, Los Angeles. Home to 13+ Omnicom creative agencies, these feelings of cognitive dissonance, optimistic overwhelm, and caffeine-infused dives down creative wormholes create worlds layered in textural and nostalgic references.

Vector Illustration

A series examining key points & themes in my favorite Disney classics, this series uses simple geometry & POV to create cinematic tension.